CTETA Membership Information
Membership fees help keep the trails clear, maintained and improved.Thanks to your support through your membership fees and the many volunteers CTETA continues to make improvements to our local equestrian trails. We thank you for your continuing support and help. Plans are always underway for more improvements to the trails.
Additional volunteers are always welcome, even just picking up trash at the local trailheads is a chance to help. Your club membership helps pay for mowing, trimming, and other trail maintenance and improvement projects.Our trail stewards regularly ride the trails and report any problems found. They are ambassadors for the trail and help provide a watchful eye for safety issues. If any of our members note trail hazards on their rides, please let a board member know.
Membership Fees
Annual Dues:Single – $25Family – $35Business – $50Note: Business members have their business card and link featured on our Facebook page.
*Click here to view our CTETA flyer*
Trail Stewardship
- As trail stewards, we cooperate with and under the guidelines of local municipalities and the US Army Corps of Engineers to assist in the maintenance of the following trails:
Volunteer Trail Ambassadors Needed!
We are always in need of additional trail ambassadors! You do not even need to be a member! All we ask is that after you ride your trail you let us know how the trail conditions are and if there are any hazards or issues that we can address. The more eyes on our trails the better! Please contact us at if you are interested!
- There’s always something exciting happening at CTETA. Our activities include:
- Spring/Fall Trail Rides
- Quarterly Board meetings
- Annual Educational Meetings
- Annual Volunteer Appreciation BBQs
- Volunteer Trail Maintenance
- Volunteer Ambassador Program
Negative Coggins within 12 months is reqired for all trail rides and riding clinics as well as a signed waiver.